New Rochelle Impressions to Be Displayed at City Hall

The exhibition is sponsored by the New Rochelle Council on the Arts in collaboration with the New Rochelle Sister City Committee.
Two artists from La Rochelle, France, will be displaying their work in an exhibit that is part of New Rochelle's 325th Anniversary.
The New Rochelle Council on the Arts in collaboration with the New Rochelle Sister City Committee will host the exhibit in the Rotunda Gallery at City Hall from June 4, 2013, through August 31, 2013.
An opening reception will be held from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Tuesday, June 4, 2013.
The artists—photographer/film director Carole Sionnet and illustrator/comics author PieR Gajewski—use their mediums to "create at side-by-side dialogue," according to organizers.
The exhibition, called Bleue City—La Ville Bleue, got its start when the two artists were came to New Rochelle for a month in 2012. 
They describe it as a borderless city divided into zone built with photographs and drawings.
Sionnet and Gajewski have added New Rochelle to the already existing zones: Amsterdam, Angouleme, Barcelona, Berlin, Hamburg, Japan, La Place, La Rochelle, Lisboa, Seoul, Green, Venezia, Istanbul and New York.
While in New Rochelle, the artists explored the Nature Study Woods, City Park, the Norman Rockwell house and Glen Island, as well as much of the rest of the city.
Sionnet and Gajewski said that travelers collect memories.
"To understand a culture is to weave together these feelings, memories and impressions as they are absorbed from different scenes viewed at the same locale or distinct memories of certain prevalent cultural traits skipping across our consciousness," they said. "Bleue City is an invitation to stroll through a succession of images creating a distinct atmosphere, rhythms, surprises and stories to be told."
New Rochelle City Hall is located at 515 North Ave. in New Rochelle.


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