Showing posts from November, 2013
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COLLAGE AND ASSEMBLAGE USING MIXED MEDIA with CAROL NIPOMNICH DIXON Put together realistic or non-objective 2- or 3-dimensional collages or assemblages (including box art) using papers, fabrics, photographs, and found objects. Emphasize color, texture, and composition as you juxtapose and transform materials into new visual statements that may range from autobiographical expressions to interpretations of our society and imaginary visions. Experiment with the addition of paint and other media to enhance your images. The class can be taken in EITHER 6 weeks sessions or for 12 weeks Known originally as The Greenwich Society of Artists, our founders and pioneer members included many distinguished artists and art patrons. Our first president was Edward Clark Potter, sculptor of the lions at the New York Public Library. Early members were Leonard Ochtman, Elmer MacRae, George Wharton Edwards, J. Alden Twachtman (son of ...
Save the date TRIP to PARIS for at least 2 ART FAIRS in MARCH 2014
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DRAWING NOW PARIS I LE SALON DU DESSIN CONTEMPORAIN settles in the heart of Paris, from Wednesday, March 26th to Sunday, March 30th 2014, at the Carreau du Temple newly renovated and the Espace Commines for FRESH, a space dedicated to young galleries. Under the Glass roof, in the Loft rooms or in the Espace Commines, all the forms of the contemporary drawing will be sublimated! Close to 80 international galleries will be selected by an independent selection committee, made of personalities of the world of the art. On Friday, March 28th, a DRAWING NIGHT will come to punctuate the week with events at the Carreau du Temple and the Espace Commines, in the institutions of Le Parcours and in galleries. For over five days, more than 20 000 visitors, collectors, professionals and art lovers are invited to discover the contemporary artistic scene through the drawings of more than 400 artists. To be a part of the next edition, you can still send your...
JULIAN SCHNABEL on view @ BRANT foundation..Book your tour
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Philippe Apeloig ON VIEW @ Les Arts Décoratifs
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a message from Camille who worked with Philippe Apeloig for this Exhibit;;; du 21 novembre 2013 au 30 mars 2014 L es Arts Décoratifs consacrent au graphiste Philippe Apeloig, sa première importante rétrospective : 30 ans d’une carrière internationale qu’il met également en scène dans un livre, intitulé « Typorama », publié à cette occasion. Nourri des courants du modernisme qui associent art et design (le Constructivisme, le Bauhaus, De Stijl), Philippe Apeloig puise son inspiration dans la passion qu’il cultive pour la peinture, les arts du spectacle et la littérature. Il travaille essentiellement pour de grandes institutions culturelles (le musée d’Orsay, le musée du Louvre, le théâtre du Châtelet ou la direction des musées de France), des éditeurs (éditions de La Martinière, Robert Laffont, Phaidon Press), des galeries d’art dont la Galerie Gagosian et la Galerie Achim Moeller, mais aussi...
Daniel Rozin : his work is on view @ Katonah Museum...reviewed in the NYtimes
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Courtesy of Daniel Rozin and bitforms gallery Daniel Rozin’s “Mirror No. 12” (2013), a digital projection. ARTS REVIEW | WESTCHESTER Seeing and Being Seen, Across Millenniums A Review of ‘Eye to I ... 3,000 Years of Portraits,’ at the Katonah Museum of Art ...... "Museum-goers can look at themselves in Daniel Rozin ’s 2013 “Mirror No. 12,” a digital projection that uses custom software to convert whatever passes in front of it into an ever-changing composition of moving lines. Ms. Keiter described the resulting imagery as “digital but incredibly painterly.” “I love that it incorporates the viewer into the artwork,” she said......" read the article
This week .. ON VIEW...RED ??? no ..(RED),,@ Sotheby's
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(RED) Brings Hope to West Africa AUTHOR: AMY TODD MIDDLETON check out the website... Auction in New York 23 November 2013 7:00 PM EST Exhibition at 1334 York Avenue Monday 18 November 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM Tuesday 19 November 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM Wednesday 20 November 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM Thursday 21 November 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM Friday 22 November 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM Saturday 23 November 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM (RED) Brings Hope to West Africa AUTHOR: AMY TODD MIDDLETON “She’ll be President one day,” said Deborah Dugan, CEO of (RED), as we were reflecting on what we had just witnessed in the town of Bensonville, Liberia. A young girl of perhaps ten, dressed in local ceremonial attire, her hair intricately braided, had just boldly led a troop of some 20 children, all in identical costume, with a joyful welcome song and dance. When our delegation arrived this mesmerizing child marched forward, the other children clapping and singing beh...
STILL open until 5pm on MONDAY NOV 18 The Salon: Art + Design
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The Salon: Art + Design, November 14-18th will feature the most coveted works of art, 20th century and contemporary design, decorative arts, antiquities and ethnographic art. Leading dealers from Europe and the United States exhibit an eclectic mix appealing to the current trends in collecting and unique interiors. The SALON draws collectors, interior designers, museum curators and art and design enthusiasts from far and wide. We hope you will join us! more infos;
TODAY 2nd year MFA students OPEN STUDIOS
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DATE: From 17-Nov-13 2:00 pm through 5:00 pm LOCATION: Prentis Hall, 632 W 125th St CONTACT: INFO: VISUAL ARTS | OPEN STUDIOS 2013 Open Studios **NOTE UPDATED TIME: 2 - 5 PM** Sun, Nov 17 Prentis Hall, 632 W 125th St The second-year Visual Arts MFA candidates’ studios will be open to the public. Each student is present to discuss his or her work in an informal setting. Artists Tatiana Berg Esteban Cabeza de Baca James Case-Leal Pamela Council Zach Eichelberger Jack Eriksson David Gbur Gregory Gentert Anna Glantz Ben Hagari Ali Harrington Davey Hawkins Christina Sukhgian Houle Heidi Howard Katie Kline Jeremy Mazzenga Jason Murphy Alyssa Piro Bruno Pogacnik Wukodrakula Victoria Roth Matt Taber Jesse Wakeman Patrice Renee Washington Owen Westberg Shahar Yahalom Tuguldur Yondonjamts Mentors Gregg Bordowitz A...
Latin American Art on view @ ArtLab78 in addition to the main Auctions houses preview,...
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a message from FASNY
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Dear FASNY community, Mark your calendars! The School organizes a Benefit Recital on Thursday, February 13, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. at the Florence Gould Hall – 55 East 59 th Street, New York, NY. We are honored to present a well-renowned and award-wining French pianist: Jean-Efflam Bavouzet. To our delight, he will play pieces of Beethoven, Bartok and Debussy. Don’t miss this great opportunity. The recital’s proceeds will entirely benefit the School. Tickets are sold at $50. Book online at shtml or or by phone at 1-800-982-2787 , please mention “Jean-Efflam Bavouzet Benefit Recital for FASNY”. Join us for a meet-the-artist reception held after the concert from 9:00 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. at the restaurant Daniel – 60 East 65 th Street, New York, NY 10065. There is limited seating (only 60 tickets will be sold). For concert with preferred seating and the meet-the-artist rec...
From time to might happen more often in Florida or California,.but still....WARNING FROM POLICE
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TO BE ADVISED IS TO BE WARNED. WARNING FROM POLICE This is the new thing these days with people out of work and needing cash. Beware, it's headed our way. Just last weekend on Friday night we parked in a public parking area. As we drove away I noticed a sticker on the rear window of the car. When I took it off after I got home, it was a receipt for gas.. Luckily my friend told me not to stop as it could be someone waiting for me to get out of the car.. Then we received this email yesterday: WARNING FROM POLICE THIS APPLIES TO BOTH WOMEN AND MEN BEWARE OF PAPER ON THE BACK WINDOW OF YOUR VEHICLE--NEW WAY TO DO CARJACKINGS (NOT A JOKE) Heads up everyone! Please, keep this circulating.... You walk across the parking lot, unlock your car and get inside. You start the engine and shift into reverse. When you look into the rear-view mirror to back out of your parki...
Michele Mariaud Gallery and FOTOEVER
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Michele Mariaud Gallery Dear Friends and Art Lovers, We are very excited to be coming to Paris, for FOTOFEVER! A quick reminder for those of you who are there and would like to attend, please e-mail us at michelemariaudgallery@gmail. com and you will be issued an e-ticket. FOTOFEVER Carrousel du Louvre, Paris, France Vernissage, November 14 Fair, November 15-17 Michele Mariaud Gallery C-1 in addition to 50 other international galleries. To receive your invitation, please e-mail us at michelemariaudgallery@gmail. com . If in New York, our gallery is open: Monday - Friday 11:00am - 7:00 pm Saturday and Sunday 11:00am - 6:00pm We hope to see you, have a great week! All the best, Michele Mariaud Michele Mariaud Gallery 153 Lafayette Street 4th floor@ Grand Street, SoHo New York, NY 10013 PUBLIC HOURS Monday ...