Michele Mariaud Gallery and FOTOEVER

Dear Friends and Art Lovers,  
We are very excited to be coming to Paris, for FOTOFEVER! A quick reminder for those of you who are there and would like to attend, please e-mail us atmichelemariaudgallery@gmail.com and you will be issued an e-ticket.  



Carrousel du Louvre, Paris, France
Vernissage, November 14
Fair, November 15-17
Michele Mariaud Gallery C-1  
in addition to 50 other international galleries. 
To receive your invitation, please e-mail us at

If in New York, our gallery is open:
Monday - Friday 11:00am - 7:00 pm
Saturday and Sunday 11:00am - 6:00pm

We hope to see you, have a great week!

All the best,
Michele Mariaud  

Michele Mariaud Gallery

Monday thru Friday 11am - 7 pm 
Saturday and Sunday 11am - 6pm

Tel:       +1 (917) 783-5737
Parking: Center/Hester Street
Subway: A C E 6 N R Q to Canal Street


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