Merci Patrick...Vous allez bientot TOUS pouvoir entrer dans mon studio!...

Patrick Bancel
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Submit Your Workspace to A View from the Easel

If you wish to be considered for inclusion in the A View from the Easel series, please send the following information to aviewfromtheeasel [at] hyperallergic [dot] com:
a) A photo (600 640 pixels wide) of your workspace, not showing a particular work too prominently, but mainly your work area.
b) A paragraph describing what we see in the photograph, and how it relates to your daily process.
No need to mention shows, or promote yourself — there will be a link to your website for that, plus the fact that each article is seen instantly by thousands of people!
“Views” are posted whenever there are four to five contributions. You will be notified by email as soon as your “View” is published.
You can view past A View from the Easel posts here.
Top image via BigStockPhoto


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