It’s going to rain this weekend… Stay dry at Family First Saturdays!

It’s going to rain this weekend…
Stay dry at Family First Saturdays!
Neuberger Museum of Art
March 3, 1 – 4 pm

Fashion Moda
Fashion Moda artists created a store to sell small 
works of art for very low prices so that art
 could be accessible to everyone. Make your own mini objects, exchange them with other kids, and go home with your own art collection!

1 – 3 pm: Family Tours
Discover the new exhibition
The Fashion Moda Stores, 1982: Selections from Documenta 7.

1 – 4 pm: Family Studio
Kids will make little art works 
and exchange them with their fellow artists!

2:30 pm: Musical Performance
A live band of Purchase College 
performs ‘80’s pop hits.

Family First Saturdays offer art experiences 
for the whole family.
Workshops for ages tots to ten, accompanied
 by an adult. 
Guided Family Tours are for all ages.
Free admission for ALL 12-5 pm.

Image credit: Becky Howland, Moneybag, 1982 

Find us at:
Neuberger Museum of Art  Face Book Page
Purchase College, SUNY
735 Anderson Hill Road,
Purchase, NY 10577


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