On view @ Whitney 5th Floor Singular Visions

Alexander CalderFanni, the Belly Dancer, from Calder’s Circus, 1926–31. Wire, cloth, rhinestones, paint, thread, wood, and paper, 11 1/2 × 6 × 10 1/2 in. (29.2 × 15.2 × 26.7 cm). Whitney Museum of American Art, New York; purchase with funds from a public fundraising campaign in May 1982. One half the funds were contributed by the Robert Wood Johnson Jr. Charitable Trust. Additional major donations were given by The Lauder Foundation, the Robert Lehman Foundation Inc., the Howard and Jean Lipman Foundation Inc., an anonymous donor, The T. M. Evans Foundation Inc., MacAndrews & Forbes Group Incorporated, the DeWitt Wallace Fund Inc., Martin and Agneta Gruss, Anne Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. Laurance S. Rockefeller, the Simon Foundation Inc., Marylou Whitney, Bankers Trust Company, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth N. Dayton, Joel and Anne Ehrenkranz, Irvin and Kenneth Feld, Flora Whitney Miller. More than 500 individuals from 26 states and abroad also contributed to the campaign  83.36.24a-d
Source: http://whitney.org/Exhibitions/SingularVisions
At a time when images barrage us everywhere from our televisions to our mobile phones, the latest reinstallation of the Whitney’s permanent collection galleries invites visitors to slow down and experience art in a dramatic new way. Singular Visions presents twelve highlights from the museum’s holdings, each in its own space, in order to create intimate and compelling encounters with a single work of art. Each piece was chosen to convey a distinct impression and a specific sense of its maker’s vision, whether somber or celebratory, figurative or abstract, quiet or bold. Some of the works on view require their own spaces because they are large or comprise many parts, while others explore difficult topics or emotions that one might wish to consider in relative isolation. Through their variety of mediums, sizes, styles, and subjects, the works in Singular Visions encourage a range of powerful experiences and reveal how artists have stretched the very boundaries of what an artwork can be.
The following artists are currently included in Singular Visions: Jonathan Borofsky, Alexander Calder, Eva Hesse, Matthew Day Jackson, Jasper Johns, Lee Krasner, Len Lye, Agnes Martin, Josephine Meckseper, and Fred Wilson. The following artists were previously included inSingular Visions but have been rotated out and are no longer on view: Eleanor Antin, AA Bronson, Paul Chan, Sarah Charlesworth, Anne Collier, Leon Golub, Robert Grosvenor, Willem de Kooning, Edward Kienholz, Aleksandra Mir, Robert Morris, Ree Morton, Georgia O’Keeffe, James Rosenquist, George Segal, Gary Simmons, and Tom Wesselmann.
Singular Visions is organized by Dana Miller, curator, permanent collection and curator Scott Rothkopf.

Matthew Day Jackson (b. 1974), Sepulcher (Viking Burial Ship), 2004 (installation view, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York). Wood, vinyl, fabric, rope, metal, leather, plastic, fur, yarn, and found objects, 120 × 96 × 204 in. (304.8 × 243.8 × 518.2 cm) overall. Whitney Museum of American Art; gift of Dean Valentine and Amy Adelson 2009.202a-hh. Photograph by Sheldan C. Collins


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