Heart’s Home

A presence of compassion...

Heart’s Home is an inter­na­tional Catholic non-profit orga­ni­za­tion founded in 1990 to foster and spread a cul­ture of com­pas­sion.
We are a global net­work of vol­un­teers who assist and form deep per­sonal bonds with trou­bled, dis­ad­van­taged and socially iso­lated indi­vid­uals in some of the world’s most des­perate areas. Heart’s Home is active on five con­ti­nents, with 41 cen­ters in 22 coun­tries.
Heart’s Home also runs the International Center for a Culture of Compassion (ICCC) sem­inar and retreat facility in Woodbourne, NY. A venue for events such as con­fer­ences, art sem­i­nars, con­certs, exhi­bi­tions and spir­i­tual retreats, the ICCC seeks to incul­cate Heart’s Home’s mes­sage of com­pas­sion into society through a variety of cul­tural path­ways. 


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