quite an impressive list (Andrew Ginzel's list)c about what's on view right now

now do your home work...

1-check out the post on the blog : two coats of paint
2 check if you're familiar with some names,..
3- do your research to select about 10 stops..

4-finish your gallery tour @ 7pm on wednesday June 5  to attend the opening of Arlette Delevallee and get a free drink..You deserved it!

June 4, 2013

Andrew Ginzel's list of selected NYC shows and events

The Reinhart Project curated by Richard Tuttle / Pocket Utopia / 191 Henry / thru 6/9 Closing Reception 6/9 (4-6)
Josh Thorpe / 3A / 179 Canal #3A / thru 6/28
Electra KB; The Lonely Sea and the Sky: / La Viola / 179 East Broadway / thru 6/22 Opening 6/5
Rossella Biscotti / e-flux / 311 East Broadway / thru 7/20
Seth Price / Reena Spaulings / 165 East Broadway / thru 6/9
Amy Yao / 47 Canal / thru 6/23
Fred Valentine / Sometimes / 83 Canal #610 / thru 7/? Opening 6/12
Oedipus & Sphinx / Invisible-Exports / 14a Orchard / thru 7/13 Opening 6/7
Maria Pineres / DCKT / 21 Orchard / thru 7/7
Paint Hotel / Sheftel / 24a Orchard / thru 6/9
Greg Goldberg / Stoyanov / 29 Orchard / thru 6/23 (extended)
Brendan Fowler / Untitled / 30 Orchard / thru 6/16
Alice Mackler / Schuss / 34 Orchard / thru 7/? Opening 6/9
Justin Beal / Harris Lieberman / 34 Orchard (new, second location) / thru 7/? Opening 6/20
Cheyney Thompson; Florian Pumhosl; Sam Lewitt; Moyra Davey; Jason Simon / Abreu / 36 Orchard / thru 6/9
Hanneline Rogeberg / Blackston / 29c Ludlow / thru 6/9
Vittorio Brodmann / Leslie-Fritz / 44 Hester / thru 6/16
Tofer Chin / Lu Magnus / 55 Hester / thru 6/29

Trudy Benson / Horton / 55-59 Chrystie / thru 6/16 (extended)
Wet: David Schoerner; Lyndsy Welgos / Rucker / 141 Attorney / thru 7/? Opening 6/8
Patrick Price / Ludlow 38 / 38 Ludlow / thru 6/23
Alex Kwatler; Elke Solomon / Nichtssagend / 54 Ludlow / thru 6/23
Sebastian Black; Jacob Kassay / Room East / 41 Orchard / thru 6/16
Truck Baby: Graham Collins; Samara Golden; David Wojnarowicz / Uffner / 47 Orchard / thru 7/21 Opening 6/7
Elizabeth Jordan / Bosi / 48 Orchard / thru 6/30 Opening 6/20
Jonathan VanDyke / Scaramouche / 52 Orchard / thru 6/23
Sara Sosnowy; Shoot: Shamus Clisset; Yoko Haraoka; Jang Soon Im; Katerine Newbegin; dNASAb / Heller / 54 Orchard / thru 7/3 Reception 6/5
Don Voisine / McKenzie / 55 Orchard / thru 6/9
Artspace artists in residence / Abrons / 466 Grand / thru 8/10 Opening 6/23
Margaret Weber / Ramiken Crucible / 389 Grand / thru 6/23
John Newsom / Straus / 299 Grand / thru 6/30
Matthew Conradt / Guepin / 83 Orchard (new location) / thru 6/30
Florian Meisenberg / Subal / 131 Bowery / thru 6/23
Chadwick Rantanen / Essex Street / 114 Eldridge / thru 6/9
Morten Hemmingsen; Jeffery Owen Ralston / Munch / 245 Broome / thru 6/30
Valori Plastici: Jesse Chapman; Jennifer Cohen; Kristin Jensen; Jill Mason; Adam Putnam / Beauchene / 327 Broome / thru 6/9
Alicia McCarthy / Hanley / 327 Broome / thru 6/9
Virginia Commonwealth MFA Exhibition / White Box / 329 Broome / thru 6/15
Marc Handelman; Arthur Ou; Peter Rostovsky / P! / 334 Broome / thru 6/9
To The Friends Who Saved My Life: M.Davey;H.Guibert;H.Peter-Knes; J.Simon;D.Vo;F.Woodman;R.Yefman / Callicoon / 124 Forsyth / thru 6/21
Crossing the Lines: Karlos Carcamo; Kaves; Burton Machen / Hionas / 124 Forsyth / thru 6/30 Opening 6/7
Claudia Joskowicz / LMAK / 139 Eldridge / thru 6/23
Elizabeth Jaeger / Ping / 131 Eldridge / thru 6/? Opening 6/?
Group / Fuentes / 55 Delancey / thru 7/? Opening 6/5
Arthur Ou / Brennan & Griffin / 55 Delancey / thru 6/9
Ben Grasso / Thierry Goldberg / 103 Norfolk / thru 7/14 Opening 6/9
Erin Shirreff / Cooley / 107 Norfolk / thru 6/16
Edgardo Aragon / Gitlen / 122 Norfolk / thru 6/16
Maria Petschnig / On Stellar Rays / 133 Orchard / thru 6/16
Thomas Bayrle / The Artist’s Institute / 163 Eldridge / thru 7/14
Scott Zieher / Charles Bank / 196 Bowery / thru 6/16
Val Britton; Ilona Szwarc / Foley / 97 Allen / thru 7/3 Opening 6/5
Cloth Made More Interesting By People / Feature / 131 Allen / thru 6/9 Opening 6/4 (short run)
Christian Chaize / Bekman / 6 Spring / thru 6/16 (extended)
Ii Dimensions: Titus Kaphar; Demetrius Oliver; Wardell Milan / James / 143B Orchard / thru 7/26 Opening 6/7
Art(Inter)Actions / Cuchifritos / 120 Essex (SE corner of market) / thru 6/16
Aiko Hachisuka / Eleven Rivington / 11 Rivington / thru 6/14
Lorna Williams / Dodge / 15 Rivington / thru 6/29
James J. Williams / Envoy / 87 Rivington / thru 7/7
Blink / Lynch Tham / 175 Rivington / thru 6/23
Betty Woodman / Salon 94 / 1 Freeman Alley / thru 6/14
Jared Clark / Mulherin+Pollard / Freeman Alley – 187 Chrystie / thru 6/9
Thomas Spoerndle / Novella / 164 Orchard / thru 6/16
G.T. Pellizzi / Y / 165 Orchard / thru 6/16
George Jenne / Frosch & Portmann / 53 Stanton / thru 7/7

Genius of Love: EJ Hauser; J. Cedar; A. Belag; S. Hughes; R. Briggs; F.l Brickhouse; E. N. Lambert / Morris / 163 Chrystie / thru 6/23
Secession Secession organized by Colby Bird / Fitzroy / 195 Christie / thru 6/30
Jeronimo Elespe / Eleven Rivington / 195 Chrystie (second location) / thru 6/14
Tracey Emin / Lehmann Maupin / 201 Chrystie / thru 6/22
Adhocracy thru 7/7; Erika Vogt thru 9/22 Opening 6/5; Llyn Foulkes thru 9/1 Opening 6/12 / New Museum / 231-235 Bowery
Amy Bessone / Salon 94 / 243 Bowery / thru 6/14
Mark Greenwold; Wim Delvoye / Sperone Westwater / 257 Bowery / thru 6/28
Peripheral Visions: Australia / Garis & Hahn / 263 Bowery / thru 6/15
In The Zone curated by David Gibson / Station Independent / 164 Suffolk / thru 6/23
Damon Zucconi / JTT / 170-A Suffolk / thru 6/9
Tom Shannon / Show Room / 170 Suffolk / thru 6/9
Rosemarie Beck; Seymour Remenick / Harvey / 208 Forsyth / thru 6/30
Erik Sommer / Rooster / 190 Orchard / thru 6/9
Gordon Kurtti Project curated by Carl George / Participant / 253 E Houston / thru 7/14
Sarah Braman; Wallace Whitney / American Contemporary / 4 E 2 / thru 6/16
Holton Rower; Xstraction / The Hole / 312 Bowery / thru 6/20


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